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Mercy Ann Searle Chart 3.8 -- Eltweed Pomeroy

This chart is here as a placeholder until additional research on Eltweed Pomeroy's ancestors can be completed.  The tradition that has been documented in the past by the Pomeroy family association is that Eltweed's ancestors go back to Radulphus De Pomeraie , born sometime before 1035, in St. Sauveur de La Pomeraie.  Radulphus was a principal aid to William the Conqueror in his invasion of England in 1066.  There is some newer information on the internet that claims to correct some errors in the previous ancestry lines.   Check also for Notable Cousin Gen. Seth Pomeroy, American Revolutionary War.



Eltweed's father may have been Richard Pomeroy of Beaminster, Eng., where Eltweed was baptized 4 Jul 1585


18. Eltweed Pomeroy [GMD]


17.  Richard Pomeroy, b. abt. 1540, of record as being in Netherbury 1560 and Beaminster 1585-90.  Married Eleanor, returned to Simondsbury, Dorset, d. there 7 Feb 1612.  Elweed baptized 4 Jul 1585.  


16. John Pomeroy, b. abt 1510.  Left Berry-Pomeroy area, settled in western Dorset, at Netherbury, near Beaminster.  


15. Richard Pomeroy b. abt 1484, living in 1531.  Married Eleanor Coker


14. Thomas Pomeroy (4th son), held lands in Cheriton and Fitzpaine; b. before 1451, married Agnes Kelloway. D. 29 Dec 1493.


13. Henry De La Pomeray b. before 1416, married Alice Raleigh. D. 7 Jul 1481.


12. Edward De La Pomeray.  Succeeded to the lands Bery Pomeroy, Stockley Pomeroy; one-half of the manor of Harberton, one-third of Brixton.  Married Margaret Bevile


11.  Thomas De La Pomeray, #10's youngest son; b. before 1330.  Acquired lands in Sandridge.  Wife unknown.


10. Henry De La Pomeray b. before 1292, married Johanna Mules, dau of John, Lord Mules (descended from Richard the Fearless and Gunnora).  Apparently had rights to a variety of manors, including Stokeley, Byrye, Tale and Harberton.  D. 22 Oct 1367.  


9. Henry De La Pomeray bap 23 Apr 1265 in Tragoney, Cornwall, Eng. married Amica De Camville.


8. Henry De La Pomeray, b. before 1230, married Isolda.  Fought for Henry III against Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (c. 1223 – 11 December 1282), also called Llywelyn the Last.  Died in the 9th year of Edward I.


7. Henry De Pomeraye [b. before 1211??], ward of Ralph de Turberville 3 Nov, 5 Henry III.; married Margeria De Vernon, dau of William de Vernon, 5th Earl of Devon, and Mabel de Mellent.   d. circa 1235, age 25.  


6. Henry De Pomeroy, Gov. of Rougemont Castle, Exeter, 12-16 John; Sheriff of Devon, 6 Henry III; m. Johanna, dau of Reginald and sister of Roger de Valletort.


5. Henry De Pomeria [b. before 1209??].  In the 17th yr of King John he joined the rebellion and his lands were confiscated, being restored the next year.   married Alicia, dau. of Robert de Vere and Maud (dau of Reginald, Earl of Cornwall and Beatrice).  Died 6 Henry III (1222).


4. Henry De La Pomeria [b. before 1180??], married (1) Matilda, dau of Andre de Vitrie and Agnes de Cornwall; held the Castle of La Pomerai and was Provost of the Duke of Normandy; certified a knight in the 12th year of the reign of Henry II.  See Tribal Ancestry of the American Pomeroys for more. [

3. Henry De Pomerai, witness to a deed in Normandy, 1135; d. abt 1166. Married Rohesia Bardolph, dau. of King Henry I.  By this marriage, the entire manor of Alverton, Penzance, passed from the Earls of Cornwall to the Pomeroys. 


2. Jocelinus De Pomeria b. before 1080, married Emma


1. Radulphus De Pomeraie , b. before 1035, in St. Sauveur de La Pomeraie, La Mancha, Normandy.  Listed in the Domesday Book as having 52 manors bestowed on him by William the Conqueror.  


Roger, b. before 1030, Province of La Mancha, Normandy


This information on the Pomeroy family comes from and from History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family.  


Son of Roger (no surname); benefactor to the Hospital of St. John the Baptist, at Falaise, Normandy; companion of William the Conqueror in the subjugation of England; in the battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066. His rank in the army of the Duke of the Norman s being equivalent to that of Chief-of-Staff as it is designated in the present day. He received for his assistance in that fateful battle, fifty-eight Lordships in County Devon, three in Somerset and two in Cornwall, besides sixteen entered upon. He was one of the first to acquire a family or surname, and he may therefore be considered as a prominent man in his native province. Lower, in his "Dictionary of Family Names of the United Kingdom," says: "This parish (de La Pomeraie) gave name to a great family, mentioned in Domesday Book and by Brompton, and the name was turn conferred upon Berry Pomeroy, County of Devon, England." The locality which Sir Radulphus de La Pomeraie selected for the construction of the celebrated stronghold which still bears his name, is not far from the River Dart, the castle stands upon a rocky eminence and can not be successfully attacked except in its front, for the precipitous nature of other approaches. This was the chief seat of the Pomeraie family for five hundred years. During the first census of England, 1087. Sir Ralph de La Pomeraie, was chosen, with one other, a commissioner to convey to the King's Treasury at Winchester the tax collected in Devon under "Doomesday Survey." Our records never mentioned who his wife was.

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The Hatfield Attack


Robert and Editha also had a daughter Sarah (Thomas’ sister) who married Samuel Kellogg.  Sarah and her infant son Joseph were killed by Indians Sept. 19, 1677 in the attack on Hatfield.  Her son Samuel was taken prisoner by the Indians and carried to Canada; he eventually returned to Colchester, CT., bought land from his brother Nathaniel and married Hannah Dickinson.  


While men were out working in the fields, the Indians attacked, burning houses, killing 12 people and capturing 21.  It is likely that Samuel was returned from Canada by Benjamin Waite and Stephen Jennings, two Hatfield men whose wives and children were taken captive.  


Waite, an accomlished Indian scout, and Jennings got approved as agents to bargain for the captives, built a canoe and went up Lake George and Lake Champlain in the winter to Quebec City, Canada.  They may have been the first English colonists on Lake Champlain.  They were able to secure the release of 17 captives and returned to New England in May 1678.  A quarter century later, Waite was killed in the Deerfield Massacre that was part of Queen Anne’s War. 


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