Ruth Warner Chart 1.0 -- Ruth Warner
[------- John Warner, Great Waltham, Essex, Eng., b. 1542, d. 23 May 1584, Haddam, Hertfordshire
[------- John Warner, b. 1568, Hatfield, Broad Oak, Essex, Eng.
[ [
[ [------- Margaret
[------- Andrew Warner [GMD] , b. about 1599, Great Waltham, Essex, Eng.
[ d. 18 Dec 1684, Hadley, MA
[ [
[ [ [------- John Purchase
[ [ [
[ [------- Mary Purchase, b. 1568, Hatfield, Essex, Eng.
[ [
[ [------- Margaret Kreables
[------- Robert Warner
[ b. about 1630, Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex, Eng.
[ [
[ [ [------- Robert Humphrey, b. Abt 1570, Thaxted, Essex, Eng.
[ [ [
[ [------- Mary Humphrey, bap. 13 Feb 1602/03, Thaxted, Eng.; per GMB, died by 1657.
[ [
[ [------- Ann Holland, b. Abt 1572, Thaxted
Ruth Warner
bap. 14 Nov 1675, Middletown, CT
[ [------- Richard Hawes
[ [ b. 1580, Great Missenden
[ [
[ [------- Richard Hawes II [GMD]
[ [ bap. 2 Nov 1606, Great Missenden
[ [
[------- Deliverance Hawes, b. 11 Jun 1640, Dorchester, MA; d. 12 Jun 1718, Middletown, CT
m. Robert Warner 2 Feb 1674/75
SEE Searle Chart 3.2 for information on her first husband John Rockwell and his connection to Joan Rockwell.
[------- Anne Clapp, b. Abt 1609, Dorchester, Eng.
[------- Edward Clapp

As a point of interest, Thaxted, the home of Robert Humphrey, is at least 1,000 years old. Per Wikipedia, it was originally spelled "Tachesteda," Old English for "place where thatch was got." Horham Hall, to the right, was built in the early 1500's and would have been standing when Robert Humphrey lived in Thaxted. Robert’s father was William Humphrey, Abt 1542 and his father was William Humphrey, Abt 1510. Sources are The American Genealogist, Book 973.D25 aga; Vol. 26, p. 117-119; and Morant’s History of Essex, England.

To the left is one of the older buildings in John Warner's hometown, Hatfield, Eng. "The Old Palace at Hatfield House" was built in 1497 and was the childhood home and favorite residence of Queen Elizabeth I, who lived from 1533 to 1603 and was on the throne from 1558 until her death. So she was the queen when John Warner was born and grew up and also when Andrew Warner was born and grew up. Andrew and Mary were married 5 Oct 1624 in Thaxted, Essex, Eng., while Elizabeth was Queen. Andrew arrived in Nantasket, MA on 2 Nov 1631 on The Lyon.
Richard Hawes' hometown of Great Missenden was the location of an abbey begun in 1133 under a charter from King Henry 1. When the abbey was dissolved in 1538, a few years later in 1574 -- just about the time of Hawes' birth -- a great country house, called "Missenden Abbey," was built.

Regarding Deliverance's maiden name of Hawes, some websites have this name as Haynes. A reliable source (Strickland, Edwin W., Some Descendants of Capt. John Bissell, V. 1. Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor, Windsor, CT (2007)) has it as Hawes.
Deliverance first married John Rockwell in Windsor, CT 18 Aug 1662. They had two children, Samuel Rockwell and Joseph Rockwell, b. 1663. SEE Searle Chart 3.2 for more information on John Rockwell. He is the brother of Bissell __th Great-grandmother Joan Rockwell. (Joan is the Bissell family connection to Notable Cousin Norman Rockwell). John and Deliverance had two children, Samuel Rockwell and Joseph Rockwell, b. 1663.
Deliverance married second Robert Warner 2 Feb 1674/75 (may be 1673/74). Her children with Robert were Ruth Warner (bap 14 Nov 1675); a sister Bethia, b. 1680; and a brother Samuel, b. 1683. Deliverance would have brought with her into this second marriage her sons from her first marriage, Samuel and Joseph Rockwell. Robert Warner died 10 April 1690. She married third Nathaniel Bissell about 1692. Nathaniel’s youngest son with Mindwell Moore, David Bissell, was born 18 Nov 1681, and Mindwell had died sometime after that birth. When Deliverance and Nathaniel married in about 1692, her children including Ruth (who would then have been 16 or 17) came into the new family. Ruth's new step-brother David Bissell would have been about 11. Ruth and her step-brother David were later married and became the __th great grandparents.
Note that John Warner's lineage goes quite a few generations back further than is shown on this chart.